Reconfiguring Diaspora: The Transformation of the Jewish Diaspora in Antiquity

Workshop Abstracts

Avriel Bar-Levav (The Open University of Israel). ‘Attitudes towards Burial and Cemeteries in Judaism’. Abstract

Lisya Bicaci (Technische Universiteit Delft). ‘The Future of the Past: Stone Grave Markers – Degradation Phenomena and Conservation Challenges’. Abstract

Philippe Pierret (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium). ‘From Beth Hayim to Museum, from Survey to Exhibition: A Journey into Funerary Culture’. Abstract

Leonard V. Rutgers (Utrecht University, Netherlands). ‘The Jewish Catacombs in Italy: Concrete Conservation Aspects’. Abstract

Ortal-Paz Saar (Utrecht University, Netherlands). ‘The Necessity for a Dialogue’. Abstract

Yosef Stepansky (Israel Antiquities Authority). ‘The Ancient Jewish Cemetery in Zefat, Israel: The Epitaphs from the 16th and 17th Centuries and the Problem of their Preservation’. Abstract

Filip Vukosavovic (National Maritime Museum, Israel). ‘Displaying Death without Dying: Approaching Death in Museum Settings in Israel’. Abstract

Daniel Wagner (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) and Kamila Klauzińska
(Zdunska Wola, Poland). Abstract

The remaining abstracts will be published online soon.